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The Ultimate Loona Theory (Part 2: The Timeline)

Since posting part 1 of this theory, several things have been pointed out to me that have been proven false, so I will amend these inaccuracies in part 3 of the theory. Until then, here is my proposed timeline.

If you have yet to read part 1 of my theory, you can find it here. I recommend reading Part 1 first, as you won’t understand what I’m talking about.

My theory has four different sections to the timeline. First is the pre-timeline, meaning events that occur out of the actual timeline. Second is the Pre-Paradox, referencing all points of the story before Kim Lip messed with time. The next section is the Post-Paradox period, which outlines the immediate effects of the Kim Lip Paradox. The final section of the timeline deals with the events that I propose will connect most closely with the final debut video; I’ve called it Escape from Eden.

All videos will be listed in the order of which they occur, except for a few that happen at more or less the same time.

As well, there is very little evidence to say how much time has actually passed in between videos, except in very specific situations.

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s begin.


When I say pre-timeline, I mean that the events they show are ambiguous and do not have an actual set time frame for it to occur. Therefore, there are only two videos that fit this description.

Everyday I Love You

This is the first of two false memories that ViVi has. This one is based off of her experience with Yves in the OEC universe during the events of “New”. It exists as a way for ViVi to accept her friendship with Loona 1/3.

Rain 51db

This is another false memory for ViVI. We know that this one occurs after the first one because Yeojin is no longer present. This memory shows that Yeojin has been removed from ViVi’s mind, as has Yves; there’s only Loona 1/3 left.


My Melody

This is the first moment in the timeline. We know this because Yeojin is still present, and Haseul doesn’t appear to know the other girls yet. It is possible that both Yeojin and Haseul know Choerry at this point, due to their close friendship in “Love Cherry Motion, but she is just not present.

Hyunjin is visible in this video in the form of a cat, but this has no bearing on the timeline since she defies the laws of time and space.


This is the next video in the actual timeline. Yves has started her descent from Eden, which will create her presence over the timeline. This video also has to occur pre-paradox as ViVi is still present in the OEC universe. As well, Choerry is still in the real world.

The Carol 2.0

This is a dream sequence of Yves. Eden has been shown to be a very isolating place, therefore Yves is dreaming about the brief connection that she had with ViVi, and the briefer one she had with Choerry.

Sweet Crazy Love

This video has to come after “New” since Yves can be assumed to be bothering Jinsoul in the subway, since she wants attention.

We can also place this before the paradox, as Choerry still has her backpack (which does not move with her to OEC), and Jinsoul has her fish, which disappears as she goes to OEC.


This video happens immediately after the events of “Sweet Crazy Love”. We know this because Kim Lip literally walks onto the set of “Eclipse” at the end of “Sweet Crazy Love”. This is also the origin of the paradox.


Everyday I Need You/ Singing in the Rain

These videos show ViVi’s first moments in the real world, and Jinsoul’s last.  

“Singing in the Rain” shows Jinsoul in between the real world and OEC. Chronologically, it happens just after or at nearly the same time as “Everyday I Need You”. However, they are too close together to be two different, significant points in the timeline.

Love Cherry Motion

This video has to come after “Singing in the Rain” as Jinsoul is already present in OEC. This is the last time Yeojin appears in the real world.

ViViD (Acoustic Mix)/ Around You

As ViVi’s story primarily occurs after the paradox, it stands to reason that most of the LOONA 1/3 girls’ (with the exception of Haseul) have their story begin after the paradox as well. This is why I have put these two videos together after the paradox.

They are both pre-“Sonatine” as the girls are not yet aware of each other, and still haven’t met.


This is when the girls of Loona 1/3 become aware of one another, so it has to chronologically come after all the videos where the girls are apart in the real world. It has to be post-paradox as Yeojin is stated specifically to be missing, and ViVi is present in the real world.

Around You (Special Version)

As this video shows Hyunjin and Heejin meeting each other, it happens after Sonatine.

The paradox has to have happened at this point as Kim Lip is looking through dimensions to watch them.

Yves enters the real world at some point after this video, as she is referenced in several of the following videos.

I’ll Be There/ My Sunday

Both occur after the events of “Around You (Special Version) as Hyunjin and Heejin are friends. Yves’ influence in the real world is growing stronger at this point, as referenced by 2Jin’s yellow and black outfits.

The Carol

Has to be after the 2Jin videos as Haseul is now present. Also has evidence of Yves getting stronger because of the down feathers that fly out of the presents.

Heart Attack

Has to be immediately after “The Carol” as Haseul is seen at the end in her outfit from “The Carol”. We can also deduce that it occurs afterwards as that scene with Haseul occurs at night, while most of “The Carol” takes place during the day.

Love&Live/ You and Me Together

Takes place after the events of “The Carol” as the girls have met ViVi. We can also assume that ViVi has spent quite a bit of time in the real world at this point, as her battery is constantly running low.

This is the last point in the timeline where ViVi can be seen, as she presumably leaves for Eden at the end of “Love&Live”.

Escape from Eden

This section highlights the events following “Love&Live”, as there are major changes in where the girls are. As well, there is an emphasis on the girls (specifically the three leaders: Haseul, Kim Lip, and Yves) finding one another. Therefore, this section not only outlines the idea of ‘escaping’, but also ‘saving’.

ViViD/Kiss Later

Both of these videos can be assumed to take place after the events of “The Carol” and “Love&Live”. The present seen on Yeojin’s bed is proof of it happening after “The Carol”, and “ViViD” has to take place after “Love&Live” as that is the last point in the timeline Heejin can be seen in.

“Kiss Later” can technically take place at any point in the timeline after “Love Cherry Motion”, but I have put it here for several reasons. First is the aforementioned present, though that could serve as a call forward. Secondly, we can see Yeojin start to gradually want to accept Eden, which implies that she has been there for a while.

Girl Front / Loonatic

As these two videos show practically the same events, they occur at the same point in the timeline. “Loonatic”, of course, shows the events of the main music videos of the OEC girls, but as it is a tape playing backwards can be placed in the timeline slightly after “Girl Front”. Since “Girl Front” has all the plot, that video will be the main timeline placer.

As “Girl Front” shows Choerry throwing the paper airplane, as well as the yellow truck being present, we can assume that this video occurs before “Let Me In”. The paper airplane is the most telling part, because Haseul receives it in “Let Me In”, meaning that it had to be thrown first.

We also know that “Girl Front” has to occur after the events of “Love&Live” as Hyunjin is present in the OEC world. Up until this point, she has only been present in the real world, meaning a large shift had to occur in order for her to make it to OEC.

Finally, the OEC girls are actively trying to find the other Loona members, which corresponds to my idea that the gathering of the girls has to happen primarily in the fourth part of the timeline, since it will be the closest to the debut point in the timeline (in my opinion).


This video has to take place after the events of “Heart Attack” as Yves and Chuu are seen together.

While this video could conceivably take place at the same point in the timeline as “Kiss Later” and “ViViD”, I think that it has to take place after the events of “Girl Front”, as Choerry seems to be at her strongest here. It stands to reason that Choerry has only been growing stronger since coming to the OEC world, as she is able to send the paper airplane to Haseul. As well, while she transferred dimensions before, it was due to Kim Lip’s meddling and not her own power. We can see in “Girl Front” that Hyunjin’s effect on the OEC girls is that they start seeing doubles. It could then stand to reason that Hyunjin is able to help Choerry exist at another point in the timeline as well, which could also explain Hyunjin’s presence as a cat in this video as well.

Let Me In

The final point in the known timeline. We know that this video has to take place after the events of “Love&Live” as Haseul is seen here alone. While it is possible that this video could show Haseul in between the events of “Love Cherry Motion” and “Sonatine”, her general somber attitude implies that she’s alone again, as she’s more exasperated and frantic rather than explicitly sad.

As well, and as previously stated, the paper airplane she receives comes from Choerry, which implies that the airplane has to be sent before it is received, placing this video at some point after “Girl Front”.

I believe that this music video is the one that is most likely going to tie into the final debut, as it shows Haseul killing off the idea of a future without Loona, and will likely set into motion the final stretch to bring all of Loona together. This is why it has to be the end of the timeline.

Hopefully this made sense to everyone reading. I will be posting part 3 when I have time to compile it. Part 3 will have loose ends tied up, corrections from the original theory, where the girls are and what they can do, and the like. If there is something you would like for me to discuss, please comment it so that I can see it. If you can’t comment here this will be posted on r/loona or you can message me on twitter (@sakurahaiku).



As of Part 3 of the theory, I have moved 'One&Only' from after 'Girl Front'/'Loonatic' to before. Thanks! 


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