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The Ultimate LOONA Theory: yyxy "love4eva"

So I would have had this posted sooner but I am so livid. I am so livid because up until this point everything worked so well together. All the videos fit together in a very obvious way to me. Everything LOONA acted as various puzzle pieces that combined together with no hassle. While I put a lot of effort into my theory, I haven't had to change anything around. I've never had to change my line of thinking.

Until now.

With LOONA's third sub-unit, yyxy, I've had to rethink many things that I thought true about the Loonaverse, and I hate it. I absolutely HATE being wrong. I have lived my life being more or less right about everything that I have chosen to do. With this theory, I could handle being completely wrong about the entire thing because there's probably going to be no actual confirmation about the correctness about this. But for a tiny thing like this one video, I absolutely hate being wrong.

With that being said, let's begin.

In a random turn of events, I'm going to start with the timeline. I usually would save this for the end but I am so shook about "love4eva" and it's place in the timeline that I feel the need to address it first. I will list the full timeline as it currently stands at the end of the post, but will discuss the actual music video and how it fits in now.

This is going to feel like a cop-out, but the events of "love4eva" don't necessarily happen; it's a dream sequence. Specifically, it's Olivia's interpretation of events. I do not doubt that the four girls lived together in Eden (but we'll discuss that a bit later), but I think that the events of all the girls solo music videos do happen. In short, "love4eva" is a pre-timeline dream-esque sequence, much like Vivi's "Everyday I Love You".

Rather than being a true dream, however, we can clearly see a passing of time occur. Namely, Yves leaves first and there's a significant length of time before she comes for Chuu. This is what causes me to believe that what we're watching is a sped up version of Yves, Chuu, and Go Won leaving Eden, and the growing of Olivia's anger and supposed anger for the three girls. In short, the events of the three music videos do happen, but they occur from the point of view of the girls in question, and not Olivia.

"love4eva" also changes around the place of "Egoist" in the timeline. I had originally thought it took place directly after "new", and that Olivia encountering Heejin happened closer to the beginning of the timeline. Now, I am under the impression that it happens at the very end, right after the events of "Kiss Later", "ViViD", and "One&Only". With this new interpretation, I can see that Olivia does indeed save Heejin from Eden, though indirectly. As well, the cameo appearances of yyxy are no longer a call forward timeline wise. The girls are actively looking for Olivia at the same time she is arriving in the real world from Hell.

Onto the next topic, let's discuss Chuu. In my first analysis, I assumed that Chuu was originally from the Real World, and first encountered Yves after she comes down from Eden. Due to this interpretation, I believed that Chuu was, indeed, the "x" in yyxy, being the only girl not originally from Eden. It seems now, however, that I was very wrong in thinking this. "love4eva" makes it clear that Chuu is originally from Eden. She makes her full fall from Eden after eating the apple that causes the dream sequence with Yves to occur near the end of "Heart Attack". Haseul finding her at the end of the video is her in the real world, after she's made the full descent.

Thirdly, it is made clear that Go Won is the "x" in yyxy. While this makes sense based on their debut order, in which Go Won is the third canonically, I believe that "love4eva" proves that it is more than that. Unlike the other girls, Go Won seems the most conflicted in what she believes. The events of "One&Only" show that she needs convincing to actually leave Eden, and that she seems unsure. However, she is more fond of the idea of leaving than Olivia is. She also seems to be more cognitively aware of Olivia than Yves and Chuu, and seems to have a closer connection to her, hence Go Won looking back at Olivia during "love4eva" and, presumably, Olivia's shadow at the end of "One&Only". As she is the one who is the most conflicted in her worldview, I believe that Go Won is the "x".

Next, I would like to discuss the presence of God in this music video. It is very clear that the blonde woman symbolizes God and her power over Eden and the girls. yyxy are shown constantly performing for God in an effort to please her, though she is never pleased with the four of them. We can see that God is clearly unhappy with the girls, specifically Yves, and their insubordination. We never actually see God pleased until only Olivia is left. I have interpreted this as Olivia being the most obedient to God and her strict ways, though in the end she chooses to leave anyway.

The last thing I want to talk about for "love4eva" is Olivia and her characterization. From "love4eva", I think it's very clear that Olivia longs to be close to the other girls, and is always seen looking towards them and moving in their direction. Due to their difference in opinion, however, yyxy wants little to do with her. From all the red lights in both "Egoist" and "love4eva", I think it's pretty safe to say that Olivia is more than a little bit mad. Even though she wasn't so close to the girls, I think she's furious that she was left behind, therefore paving the way for her to be the main antagonist of the group. I don't think she's ViVi consuming levels of evil, but she's certainly going to have more shades of a grey to her.

That being said, I don't think that her anger will last for long after reuniting with yyxy. The girls' presence in "Egoist" suggests that they are actively looking for her. This means that either they know that she has an important role to play in the Loonaverse, or that they actively miss her and regret leaving her and are hoping that she'll follow them. It could also be both. I think that Olivia's story will be a story of forgiveness rather than unsubsiding anger. I think that Heejin will probably play a major role in allowing Olivia to trust others, specifically yyxy.

In case you're confused, here is a quick recap of how the girls have travelled in this story.

Heejin was originally from the Real World, but was transported to Eden after the events of "Love&Live". As of "Egoist" she is back in the Real World.

Hyunjin was originally from the Real World, but was transported to OEC after the events of "Love&Live". Is able to project herself across worlds and timelines after the events of "Around You".

Haseul is only present in the Real World.

Yeojin was originally from the Real World, but was transported to Eden after the events of "Eclipse" and "Love Cherry Motion".

ViVi was originally from OEC, but was transported to the Real World after the events of "Eclipse" and "Everyday I Need You". She was transported to Hell after the events of "Love&Live".

Kim Lip is only present in OEC.

Jinsoul was originally from the Real World, but was transported to OEC after the events of "Eclipse" and "Everyday I Need You".

Choerry was originally from the Real World, but was transported to OEC after the events of "Eclipse" and "Love Cherry Motion". She is able to travel to Eden after the events of "Love Cherry Motion".

Yves was originally from Eden, but has been able to travel between worlds after the events of "new". Her last known location is the Real World, as of "Egoist".

Chuu was originally from Eden, but has been able to travel between worlds after the events of "Heart Attack". Her last known location is the Real World, as of "Egoist".

Go Won was originally from Eden, but traveled to the Real World as of "One&Only". Has not otherwise shown the inter dimensional talents of Yves and Chuu.

Olivia Hye was originally from Eden, but fell to Hell after the events of "love4eva". Is in the Real World after the events of "Egoist".

Finally, here is the current timeline.


  • Everyday I Love You (false memory)
  • Rain 51db (false memory)
  • love4eva (Olivia's interpretation of events over a long period of time)
Pre-Kim Lip Paradox
  • My Melody
  • New
  • The Carol 2.0 (a dream sequence by Yves)
  • Sweet Crazy Love
  • Eclipse
Post Paradox
  • Everyday I Need You = Singing in the Rain
  • Love Cherry Motion
  • ViViD (Acoustic Mix) = Around You
  • Sonatine
  • Around You (Special Version)
  • The Carol
  • Heart Attack
  • Love&Love = You and Me Together
Escape From Eden
  • Kiss Later = ViViD = One&Only
  • Egoist
  • Girl Front = Loonatic
  • Let Me In

Okay, that's it folks! Sorry for the long wait, but I very truly and honestly could not figure out what to do with "love4eva". I was confident that it wasn't a true dream sequence, but it took me awhile to put all the pieces together. 

We're inching ever closer to a full OT12 debut, and I can't wait to see where the story goes next!

I have started part 5 with more loose ends and questions, but I am debating actually posting it. I feel that at this point its sort of useless to keep pulling at loose ends when nothing that I have looked at makes any different in the overarching story. 

Regardless of what I post next, be it the yyxy repackage or part 5 of loose ends, I'll see you guys soon. As always, you are free to ask me questions in the comments, at my twitter @sakurahaiku, or over at r/Loona (I'm u/ninedaysqueen). 

Thanks for reading!



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