Hey there, welcome to part 4 of The Ultimate Loona Theory. You are all so incredibly supportive that it brings literal and actual tears to my eyes. Seriously though, y’all are great. Thanks for being so wonderful about this multi-part, too long to be reasonable, theory. The first three parts can be found here , here , and here . This part of the theory will analyze the teasers. The ‘Up&Line’ Cinema Theory teaser inspired me, and after talking to others, I realized that I should look at the teasers as well. Let’s begin! Firstly, there are some teasers that are literally just that: teasers for the video. These do not add anything extra to story. Predictably, this includes most of the teasers. I’ll just link them here. Heejin Seoul Teaser ViViD Teaser Heejin Paris Hyunjin Around You I’ll Be There Hyunjin Tokyo Let Me In Haseul Iceland The Carol Loona London Yeojin Kiss Later ...