Since posting part 1 of this theory, several things have been pointed out to me that have been proven false, so I will amend these inaccuracies in part 3 of the theory. Until then, here is my proposed timeline. If you have yet to read part 1 of my theory, you can find it here . I recommend reading Part 1 first, as you won’t understand what I’m talking about. My theory has four different sections to the timeline. First is the pre-timeline, meaning events that occur out of the actual timeline. Second is the Pre-Paradox, referencing all points of the story before Kim Lip messed with time. The next section is the Post-Paradox period, which outlines the immediate effects of the Kim Lip Paradox. The final section of the timeline deals with the events that I propose will connect most closely with the final debut video; I’ve called it Escape from Eden. All videos will be listed in the order of which they occur, except for a few that happen at more or less the same time. As wel...