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Showing posts from January, 2019

Nine's Top Kpop Songs of 2018 (Part 5)

So, instead of sticking with the plan of these posts getting consistently shittier as time went on, I decided to put some actual effort in to write this.  Please take note that this was a bitch to type out because currently my fingernails are too long for me to actually do anything but they were also professionally done so I can't take my heathen nail scissors to them there's literal nail art going on.  FURTHER EDIT: You ever start making a post after you get your nails fixed so that they're short again so you can type only to realize that you're just lazy? Yeah, me too.  YET ANOTHER EDIT: You ever been so lazy that you write 5 words every 7 days. Yeah, me too.  10.  Egotistic  - Mamamoo Mamamoo really did it for me this year. I often don't listen to their releases until well after the fact, but after my love of  Starry Night  became apparent I had to listen to this as soon as it released. And I was not disappointed. This song ...

Nine's Top Kpop Songs of 2018 (Part 4)

Listen, I never promised consistency in posting.  I hope everyone had a good New Year's celebration. I drank a shit ton of wine, ate lobster, and smoked just the tiniest bit of weed while getting rejected by men on online dating sites. Here's hoping that in 2019 I can actually keep up with writing this blog.  20. To Heart - fromis_9 While the way I wrote about Glass Shoes  made it seem like that track was fromis_9's debut, they really didn't debut until January 2018 with To Heart . The track, for the most part, just sounds like a stereotypical APink-knockoff that wouldn't really turn heads. And it really didn't, considering that the song itself didn't have a lot of success. Now I like this song for a few reasons. Firstly, there's a real string section! You can hear real violins! It's fantastic. It's even lampshaded in the video itself with Gyuri playing the song on her violin. It's absolutely fantastic and sets the mood for the e...